Religion Briefs


Balance class starts April 5
A Matter of Balance class will be held at the Peachtree City Seventh Day Adventist Church, located at 4957 Ga. Highway 34 East in Sharpsburg, starting Wednesday, April 5 from 6 – 8 p.m. and continuing for eight weeks.  The class will be held in the Shoal Creek Adventist School library.  The class teaches goals for increasing physical activity, how to make changes at home to reduce falling, and exercises to increase strength. The cost is $25 for the entire eight-week session.  Those interested in attending should contact Cathy Wofford at the church, 770-253-8291.

St. Gabriel continues annual Fish Fry
St. Gabriel Catholic Church’s Knights of Columbus Council 11458 will continue its annual Lenten Fish Fry this Friday, March 31,  plus Friday, April 7, at 5 p.m. The cost is  $8 per plate. Baked and fried options and To-Go plates are available.  St Gabriel Catholic Church is at 152 Antioch Rd., Fayetteville.

Easter music performance set at NHBC
The National Heights Baptist Church Adult Choir and Friends will present “Wondrous Love” on Sunday, April 9, at 6 p.m.  “Wondrous Love” is a worship experience for Easter by Benjamin Harlan. It is composed of  familiar hymns as well as some newer pieces. For more information, call 770-461-1704. All are welcome. The church is located at 103 Old Norton Rd. (corner of Old Norton and Ga. Highway 54),  Fayetteville.

Community Pesach Seder is April 10
Chabad of Peachtree City will host a Community Pesach Seder Monday, April 10, at 7:45 p.m. The event will feature handmade authentic Shmurah Matzah, four cups of wine, English Hebrew Hagaddah and more. Prizes will be given to children who sing the Ma Nishtana, Spaces are limited. For more information and location, visit or call Rabbi Lew, 678-595-0199.

Free genealogy class offered
The Fayetteville Family History Lab will host a free class on using Tuesday, April 11, from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2021 Redwine Rd. in Fayetteville. Bring your own device or use one of theirs. Wifi is available.

Lenten services continue at WOG
Word of God Lutheran Church’s weekly Lenten services continue at 7 p.m. each Wednesday through April 5. Pastor Jeffray Greene will lead a series of weekly meditations on Redemption, titled, “Finding Reverse Gear.” All are welcome.  Word of God Lutheran Church is located at 303 Kelly Drive, Suite 10, Peachtree City.  For more information, call 770-897-4508, or visit

Holy Trinity offers Stephen Ministry
Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Peachtree City offers Stephen Ministry to provide confidential, one-on-one Christian care to people who are going through a difficult time. Catholics as well as non Catholics are eligible to receive care. A Stephen Minister is a well-trained caregiver who listens, cares, prays, and encourages during a time of need.  Care is confidential and free. For more information,  contact Teri Sauer at 770 630-7805.

Prayer group meets at Summit
A community prayer group meets at The Summit Family Resource Center, 1373 Ga. Highway 92 S. Fayetteville, from 9:30-10:15 a.m. on Thursday mornings.  This is an inter-denominational event. Everyone is invited. Call 770-460-3335 for more information.