Fayette Commission considers rezoning 14 acres for subdivison

Fayette County Commission Meeting Room

The Fayette Commission on Feb. 23 will consider a rezoning request that would add three homes along Seay Road and a state grant application to help with the construction of the intersection at Ga. Highway 92, Westbridge Road and Veterans Parkway.

Commissioners will consider a proposal to rezone 14.39 acres on Seay from AR (agricultural residential) to R-80 (3-acre homesite) for a single-family home subdivision. The location is the site of one home, and the proposal seeks to add three additional homes. Seay Road is south of Fayetteville off Ga. Highway 85.

Much of the property to the south is zoned AR, while large portions of properties to the east, north, west and southwest are zoned for 1- and 2-acre lots.

Both county staff and the Fayette County Planning Commission recommended approval.

Another agenda item at the Feb. 23 meeting deals with the submission of an application for a $400,000 grant from the Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank for the intersection of Veterans Parkway, Hwy. 92 and Westbridge Road.

The project is funded by the 2004 SPLOST (special purpose local option sales tax), with county staff saying the grant, if approved, would help with construction costs.

Commissioners at the meeting will consider the execution of a Ga. Department of Transportation contract to resurface the Ga. Highway 85 Connector from Woods Road to the Spalding County line, Ebenezer Road from Ebenezer Church Road to Peachtree City and Brooks-Woolsey Road from Antioch Road to the Hwy. 85 Connector.

The $1.1 million contract with C.W. Matthews comes with a contract award in late March and a final inspection date of Oct. 31.

Also at the meeting, commissioners will consider an enhancement to the Heritage Park water fountain adjacent to the county complex in downtown Fayetteville.

The project calls for leveling and resetting brick pavers, adding new granite caps and inlays and cast-stone molding, base and facade.

If approved, the project will use available community improvement program funds.