Delta blankets school clinics with warmth


Wrapping up in a warm blanket can help persons feel better when they are sick. That is why Delta Airlines donated blankets to each school clinic in the Fayette County School System; to help sick students who visit the clinics feel more comfortable. 

This is the second consecutive year that Delta Airlines has donated blankets to the clinics. Along with the blankets this year, the airline also donated three cases of sick bags at the request of school nurses, several of which happen to be the wives of Delta Airline pilots.

Captain Stan Hill (far right), a pilot with Delta Airlines, presented each school clinic with a supply of blankets and sick bags. School nurses, who are also the wives of Delta Airline pilots, were on hand to accept the donation. Pictured (L-R) Barbara Stephens, Jennifer Rowell, Denise Wade, Jeanette Bihuniak, Debbie King, Becky Higgins.