FFUMC invites community to election day of prayer Nov. 8


The community is invited to the historic chapel at Fayetteville First UMC on Nov. 8 for an Election Day of Prayer from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

“This opportunity offers a time to pray sitting on a pew, kneeling at the chancel rail or standing by one of the chapel windows,” a spokesperson said. “Someone will be there to greet you and pray with you if you’d like or you may quietly pray on your own. You may leave a written prayer request on the altar and others will pray for your request. Please invite a friend and join with others to pray.”

Visit online at fayettevillefirst.com or call 770-461-4313 for more information.

Fayetteville First United Methodist Church is located at 175 East Lanier Ave., next to the historic courthouse in downtown Fayetteville.