Suicide intervention workshop Sept. 20


Sharpsburg Baptist Church will host a suicide intervention workshop Tuesday, Sept. 20. The community is invited to attend. Doors will open at 6 p.m. and the workshop will run 6:30-8.

The free event led by Major Ken Koon, a U.S. Army Reserve chaplain, is part of the No More Suicide Campaign “One Oops Away Workshop” developed by the Armed Forces which provides participants with greater knowledge of the signs and risk of suicide.

Participants will gain insight into the emotional spiral that builds over time, often quickly causing individuals to reach a point where they feel suicide is their only option.

While AFM is highly focused on the reduction of suicide within the veteran community, “One Oops Away” is appropriate for individuals from all walks of life. The leaders have worked with teens, parents that have lost children, and individuals having experienced a wide variety of traumatic events.

An increased awareness of the prevalence of suicidal thoughts within the general public, along with better understanding of circumstances which increase likelihood, are vital factors in an effort to assist those at risk.

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