Deer quota hunt application deadline Sept. 1


Hunters, be sure to get online soon and get your quota application submitted for a Georgia deer hunt.

An online quota application must be received before midnight Sept. 1, according to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division.

“Some of the best deer hunts in the state are on Georgia’s well-managed public lands,” said John Bowers, chief of game management. “To have a chance at one of these outstanding opportunities, you better get that application in before the deadline.”

Deer quota opportunities include hunts on wildlife management areas and state park lands, dog-deer hunting and adult/child hunting opportunities.

To apply, go to The quota hunt system allows applicants to sign up for a chance at a quota hunt using their existing license purchase account.  If you don’t have an existing account, you can create one. Those applying should be sure to keep their email and mailing address current in order to receive quota updates, confirmations and any notices about quota hunts.

For more information on the upcoming deer season, hunters can review the 2016-2017 Georgia Hunting Seasons and Regulations guide, available at

For more information, visit