Good turnout for Promise Place walk


Promise Place hosted its first annual Walk A Mile in Her Shoes event June 11 in downtown Fayetteville.

Walk A Mile in Her Shoes is an international men’s march to stop rape, sexual assault, and gender violence. These walks are an opportunity for men to raise awareness within their communities about the serious causes, effects and remediations to men’s sexualized violence against women.

As the domestic violence agency for the Griffin Judicial Circuit, which includes Fayette, Spalding, Pike, and Upson counties, it is the mission of Promise Place to prevent domestic violence through awareness programs, educational training and providing safe environments for the victims and their families.

The organization reported a “wonderful” turnout for the walk.

In 2015, Promise Place provided shelter to 88 women and 70 children, legal advocacy services to 340 clients, and answered 1,670 crisis calls.

For more information about Promise Place, visit To learn more about Walk A Mile in Her Shoes campaign, visit