Student selected for AgDiscovery program


Sandy Creek High ninth-grader John McDaniel will spend two weeks this summer at South Carolina State University learning about careers in agribusiness as a participant in the AgDiscovery Program offered through the United States Department of Agriculture.

McDaniel was selected to participate in AgDiscovery after completing an extensive application process that included a two-page essay about what he wants to learn, his future goals, and why he wanted to attend the program at South Carolina State University, along with three character references.

AgDiscovery is a summer outreach program to help middle and high school students explore careers in plant and animal science, wildlife management, and agribusiness. The program allows students to live on a college campus and learn about agriculture from university professors, scientists, and administration professionals who work for the U.S. government in a variety of fields.

McDaniel will be at South Carolina State University June 19-July 3 where he will gain exposure to career paths in the agricultural sciences, such as veterinary medicine, plant pathology and physiology, chemistry, marketing, public affairs, and computer science. He will participate in a series of interactive activities, presentations, and educational field visits.

There is no cost to attend the program, except travel expenses. Tuition, room and board, lab supplies, and activity fees are covered.