Candidates for superior court judge, commission report campaign funds


With less than a month to go before the primary elections, it’s getting easier to see which candidates are investing in themselves and how relatively cheap county commission races are this year.

Voters will decide on two non-partisan superior court judges this election. Another superior court judge, Fletcher Sams, faces no opposition.

The marquee judge match-up features incumbent Tommy Hankinson versus current District Attorney Scott Ballard.

Hankinson has received $4,000 in contributions and has a personal loan of $15,000 to finance his campaign, and currently has just over $5,800 on cash.

Contributors include :

• Attorney Alan Connell — $500.

• Attorney Pat Fox — $500.

• Attorney Truitt Malloy — $500.

• Attorney David Dunaway — $500.

Ballard has received $15,950 contributions, along with a $10,797 loan and has $9,226 on hand.

Contributors include:

• Attorney Warren Sellars — $500.

• Kenny’s Collision in Thomaston — $1,000.

• Attorney Charles Ballard — $500.

• Retailer Richard Dumas — $500.

In the three county commission races, several of the candidates have pledged not to receive or expend more than $2,500. Those candidates include incumbent and District 1 candidate David Barlow, incumbent and District 2 candidate Randy Ognio and District 5 candidates Greg Clifton, Don Haddix, and Allen McCarty.

District 1 candidate and former commissioner Eric Maxwell lists contributions of $2,488 and $1,988 cash on hand. His contributor is the law firm of Rogers, Hofrichter and Karrh with $2,000.

District 2 candidate and former commissioner Lee Hearn lists a loan of $1,795 and $1,299 cash on hand.

District 5 candidate Emory McHugh lists a personal contribution of $194.66 and no cash on hand.

County Commission Chairman Chuck Oddo lists a loan of $5,158 and no cash on hand.