Fayette Commission eyes annexation request


An annexation notice from Peachtree City is among the agenda items for the April 14 regular meeting of the Fayette County Board of Commissioners.

The city intends to annex a 6.71-acre lot at 1361 Ga. Highway 74 South and rezone it from A-R (agricultural residential) to O-I (office-institutional).

The board will also consider two committee appointments: Tony Parrott to the Fayette County Library Board, and Martin Sas to the Fayette County Transportation Committee. Parrott’s term would expire at the end of this year, while Sas would serve until March 31, 2017.

Other agenda items include a request from The Heritage of Peachtree to connect to the Peachtree City Water and Sewerage Authority’s sewage system while the annexation process with Peachtree City is progressing.

There are several art-related matters on the agenda. The Fayette County Water System has requested assistance from the Public Arts Committee to issue a Call for Artist, in an amount not-to-exceed $5,000, for the purpose of painting a mural in the Crosstown Water Treatment Plant’s entrance foyer.

The board will also consider the Fayette County Public Art Committee’s Chalk Art Project scheduled for May 15 in tandem with Fayetteville’s Taste of Fayette, and authorization to utilize $3,110 from the Public Arts Committee’s budget.

Other consideration includes the Public Arts Committee’s request to proceed with the Animal Shelter Art Project to paint various animal-themed aluminum signs that will be displayed on the outside of the Animal Shelter’s building as a way to promote interest both in pet adoption and public art, and to authorize an initial expenditure of $575 utilizing Public Arts funds.

The consent agenda includes authorization of an agreement with the Country Lake Homeowners Association for up to $25,000 to construct, repair and maintain a 24-inch stormwater pipe. Another $25,000 is recommended to fund the Fayette Chamber of Commerce’s “Fayette Visioning” initiative for the purpose of developing a county-wide brand and for implementing a marketing strategy for economic development and talent recruitment.

Also on the consent agenda is a resolution adopting the 2015 annual report on fire services impact fees and transmitting it to the Atlanta Regional Commission; a recommendation to execute a “release of all claims” with ACCC Insurance Company and seek reimbursement of $3,034.90; the purchase of two new mowing tractors for $69,755.60; approval of the county administrator’s one-time 2-percent incentive; and approval of the March 24 meeting minutes.

Proclamations and recognitions scheduled for the meeting include designating April 10-16 as “National Telecommunications Week”; recognizing Racheal Hurley as the 911 Communications Officer of the Year for 2015.

Also, proclaiming April 22 as Earth Day and April 23 as the county’s official celebration of such; recognizing Amelia Lord for her graphic design work creating the Water Guardians logo and T-shirt; recognizing senior financial analyst Lee Ann Bartlett for earning the Level 1 Local Finance Officer Certification in pursuing professional development in governmental finance, accounting, budgeting, and public finance topics; and presenting the Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Award for Fayette County’s annual budget document for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016.