St. Paul members pack and send 150 Christmas boxes for third annual Operation Christmas Child


Good news and great joy came in a gift-filled shoebox for kids in poor countries this year. Members, families and students of St. Paul Lutheran Church and School in Peachtree City reached their goal and packed 150 boxes for their third annual Operation Christmas Child  outreach event.

The number of boxes has grown from 50 the first year to 150 this year.

“Operation Christmas Child is often the first step in reaching out to kids, families and communities with help, hope and the Good News of Jesus Christ,” a spokesperson said.

Since 1993, the Samaritan’s Purse project, Operation Christmas Child, has collected and delivered more than 124 million gift-filled shoeboxes to children in more than 150 countries and territories.  

St. Paul members filled the empty brightly colored shoeboxes with the perfect gift for every girl and boy  — maybe a doll or a ball along with crayons, coloring books, hygiene items and notes of encouragement.

Each child also received a Bible in his or her language.  

Dr. Joel Dietrich and his entire family say they enjoy packing shoeboxes. Dietrich, ministry facilitator of St. Paul Lutheran Church, said, “Involving children in the filling of shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child opens their world view to the needs of other children throughout the world. It is a wonderful way to demonstrate the joy of giving in a season where kids typically look to receive.”

St. Paul Lutheran Church and School is at 700 Ardenlee Parkway in Peachtree City. For more info visit

St. Paul members who helped pack Operation Christmas Child boxes included, front row (L-R), Evelyn Schwartz, Samantha Dietrich, and Aiden Commons; back row (L-R), Gary Nichols, Harmony Robinson, Paisley and Peyton Hayes, Elizabeth Saari, Nona Bonner and Billie Nichols. Photo/Special.