Prebor understands PTC budget


Vote for Phil Prebor for Peachtree City Council Post 1. He has the financial background to understand the city budget and make sound decisions for our community, putting citizens’ interests first.

His opponent demonstrated to me first-hand that city employees come first, the citizens second, by supporting the monstrous and unfairly distributed huge pay raise last year for city employees.

This was followed up by publicly criticizing two council members at a council meeting by reading an “anonymous” letter lambasting them for trying to look out for the citizens’ interests and fairness to lower paid employees.

Mr. Prebor has successfully run his own small business here in Peachtree City for over 20 years. He clearly understands the value of money, whose money it is and how to distribute that money by way of prioritized services. The choice is clear: vote for Mr. Phil Prebor.

Eric Imker
Current Councilmember Post #1
Peachtree City, Ga.