Hutchins receives Mitchell Award


U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland Georgia’s 3rd Congressional District presented The General Billy Mitchell Award to Cadet 2nd Lt. Jacob Hutchins of the West Georgia Composite Squadron in his Newnan office.

Civil Air Patrol, the official auxiliary of the United States Air Force, Cadet Program provides opportunities for the learning, maturing, accepting, and nurturing of leadership to over 25,000 young Americans from 12 to 20 years of age. With the advice and assistance from Civil Air Patrol Senior Members, cadets are exposed to a structured program comprised of aerospace education, leadership, special activities, physical fitness, and moral and ethical values through group and individual activities.

The Cadet Program is divided into sixteen segments called achievements, involving study and performance. The first milestone is the General Billy Mitchell Award, which is earned after the completion of the first eight achievements of the program. The cadet must pass a comprehensive 100-question examination covering leadership theory and aerospace topics. Only 15 percent of cadets achieve this.

The General Billy Mitchell Award is normally presented by a Civil Air Patrol Group Commander or higher, the wing director of cadet programs, or a state or federal government elected official since as Rep. Westmoreland.

Cadets who receive the Mitchell Award are also eligible for advanced placement to the grade of E-3 (Airman First Class) should they choose to enter the US Air Force. They are also eligible for advanced credit in AFROTC, various Civil Air Patrol scholarships, and special activity opportunities.

Civil Air Patrol is a nonprofit organization dedicated to three missions — Cadet Programs, Emergency Services and Aerospace Education. Conducts 90 percent of inland search and rescue in the U.S., as tasked by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center and other agencies.

For more information on Civil Air Patrol, visit or

The West Georgia Composite Squadron is the LaGrange chapter of Civil Air Patrol. The meetings are Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. at the end of Aerotron Parkway in LaGrange, Ga.  For more information go to