An unexpected, unwarranted $200 golf cart fee


Today, I went to renew [the sticker for] my low speed vehicle (i.e, golf cart which does more than 21 mph but less than 25 — street legal golf carts) and to my shock was informed that I am being assessed with a new $200 yearly fee due to the fact that my vehicle is totally electric.

According to HB170, all electric vehicles are being assessed this fee even though low speed vehicles (GEM Cars, EZ-Go 2Five, Club Car Villager LSV to name a few) are in all respects golf carts.

It’s bad enough that Peachtree City has done everything possible to restrict these vehicles to golf cart paths and I am forced to carry insurance and pay a high licensing fee every year but now am forced to pay a $200 yearly fee just because my cart is totally electric.

It is really time that someone does a story on how our state and city are doing everything possible to punish owners of LSVs. There is no reason why these vehicles should be classified as anything other than a regular golf cart.

Michael White
Peachtree City, Ga.