AEDs donated to school system


Every building at the LaFayette Educational Center is now equipped with an automated external defibrillator (AED) thanks to a donation from Cardiac Science Corporation.

The donated device was installed in building B. Buildings A and D already had AED units.

An AED can shock the heart back into rhythm after a sudden cardiac arrest and give a victim time to get to the hospital. The Fayette County Public School System has had AED units in every school and most educational buildings since 2006.

“Our goal is to provide a safe environment to all who use and visit our schools. Having an AED unit is part of a heart-safe environment,” says Debbie King, school health services coordinator.

The school system’s aging devices are being replaced with the Cardiac Science Powerheart G3 Plus AED units. The county’s high schools and Whitewater Middle, the first school to purchase an AED, received new units this past school year.

A group of staff members at each school and school system building have been trained to use the devices. Staffers who have completed the training include nurses, coaches, school nutrition managers, teachers, bus drivers, and after school staff.