Tennis for youth at Kiwanis courts


The Fayette County Parks and Recreation Department is offering tennis lessons this summer for young people in an exciting new format.

QuickStart Tennis was developed by the United States Tennis Association. It is designed to bring kids/youth into the game by adapting the equipment, court dimensions, and the scoring to the age, skill, and size of children just like other youth sports do.

Each lesson will include movement activities and progressive skill development to learn forehands, backhands, and serves in fun and exciting ways.

All lessons are divided into four-day sessions that run Monday through Thursday. For evening classes the sessions are June 15-18 or July 6-9. For morning classes the sessions are June 8-11, 22-25 or July 13-16.

Pee Wee Tennis is for ages 4-7. Evening sessions are 6-6:45 p.m. and morning sessions are 10:15-11 a.m.

Youth Tennis is for ages 8-12. Evening session are 7-8 p.m. and morning sessions are 9-10 a.m.

Participants in Youth Tennis need to bring a racket to every class and bring a new, unopened can of tennis balls to the first class only.

Cost for all of these sessions is $45 per resident and $67.50 per non-resident. All session are at the Kiwanis tennis courts.

Teen and adult tennis classes are offered at Kiwanis Park based on community demand. If you are interested in a class or have a group that is interested, please call Kenny Wallace at 770-716-4323 to be placed on an interest list. Include the days and times of availability. With sufficient numbers, a class will be organized. A minimum of four participants is required for each class.