Second chance to see ‘Civil Conversations’ on Common Core


A recording of the first “Civil Conversations Fayette” that featured discussion of the controversial Common Core Standards is now available on for those that missed the live event.

The recording shows the hour-long discussion only and a second video, which will be released later, will feature the hour-long question and answer period that occurred afterward.

The one-hour conversation features University of Wisconsin professor Duke Pesta providing his view of the academic standards that were implemented in Georgia and several other states, Fayette County Commissioner Steve Brown, who asked questions to prompt the discussion, and State Sen. Josh McKoon (R-Columbus), who is opposed to the academic initiative. Brown said he was not able to locate a participant in favor of Common Core standards for the event.

“I am thrilled that we can take this successful and informative event to every home in Fayette County and beyond,” Brown said of the YouTube debut.

The video is designed to give viewers an introduction to various aspects of Common Core which parents and teachers can use as a platform for future exploration of the topic, he added.

A packet of information was given out at the live event and can be obtained now by sending an email to Brown at [email protected].

The packet of materials contains information both for and against Common Core to allow a complete view of both sides of the debate, Brown said. Much of what appears in the information packet is discussed in the video.

The link for the one-hour conversation is