In at-large voting, ‘I had 0/5ths vote’


In response to Mr. Mike Mahoney’s claim to have lost four-fifths of his vote, I say I am so sorry for your loss. It must be terrible to lose four-fifths of your vote so we both can equally have one vote for our county commission and school board.

Ironically, the Voting Rights Act was passed 50 years ago because elections had been “rigged” in favor of white candidates for centuries. District voting is an appropriate remedy for government to be inclusive rather than exclusive. Isn’t that fair?

As for your claim that the NAACP stuck its nose into something they had no business, I beg to differ. The NAACP stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The NAACP was founded in 1909 mostly by whites who were sick and tired of the brutality and mistreatment of Colored citizens.

And while we as a people have advanced from Colored to Negro to Black to African American, the NAACP of today is for the advancement of all people of color, including you, Mr. Mahoney. Isn’t that great?

Calling the NAACP “racist” is like calling the Tea Party a terrorist group. The NAACP and Tea Party are both bound to respect the rule of law. And if the law calls for district voting, then so be it.

The Fayette County Commission and School Board could have easily voluntarily switched to district voting. But NO! They had to waste thousands of taxpayer dollars trying to cling to at-large voting at all costs so you could keep 5/5ths of your vote while I had 0/5ths of a vote due to minority vote dilution rendering my vote null and void.

“You should be careful what you wish for” are the words you closed with, Mr. Mahoney. Well, I simply wish for equality among the races. And it’s clearly evident that you, Mr. Mahoney, wish for inequality among the races where black people are left out of political office.

The hate and disdain you have for black people is abundantly evident in your words. Your diatribe exposes your inherent racial bias as if racism oozes from you veins. But as much as you may hate me and the NAACP, I can only love you in return and wish you well.

John E. (Equality) Jones, President
Fayette County Branch, NAACP
Fayetteville, Ga.