I am very concerned about a situation at a Fayette County elementary school.
Drivers picking up children after school are instructed to not get out of cars to buckle small children into car seats but drive forward to a designated area, pull over, then strap the child in.
Not all vehicles are configured so that the driver can reach into the back seat and fasten the child into the car seat. With those vehicles, the driver has to get out into the traffic lane.
A bump from the car behind or if the driver of the vehicle with an unsecured child has to put on brakes abruptly, the child will be propelled out of the seat and possibly incur a serious injury. It is also illegal to put a vehicle in motion without a child not safely secured.
The safety of all children should be of the upmost concern at elementary schools. Apparently speed and efficiency of getting the children into cars and away from the school are more important than safety, legal requirements, and common sense at at least one of the elementary schools.
Not all children in car seats are able to buckle car seat harnesses. It takes time to develop strength and dexterity required to perform the skills needed. During that growing and maturing period, the child needs assistance.
Therefore, it is imperative the child be strapped in by someone before the vehicle is in motion.
School staff instructs parents and other drivers they must not get out of the vehicles but drive forward (with the child not safely secured in the car seat) to the designated area.
It only takes a few seconds for an accident to happen that could seriously injure. There are liability issues if an accident occurs.
That’s why there are motor vehicle laws specifying children should be buckled up and secured before the vehicle moves. So not only is the elementary school staff ignoring safety, they’re ignoring the law. They’re instructing drivers to ignore safety and law.
I don’t understand how parents can follow like sheep instead of standing up for the safety of their child.
I’ve observed teachers chatting with some parents picking up students. That definitely slows down progress in the car lane. Some students play around and take their time getting to their ride. That’s children!
All that slows progress, but heavens, the staff can’t be bothered to wait a few moments to have a child safely secured in a vehicle. Priorities seem to be a little misplaced.
How many elementary schools in Fayette County are following this practice that jeopardizes a small child’s safety?
A very concerned grandmother,
Mary Lawrence
Fayetteville, Ga.