Election wave swamps Democrats, puts GOP on hot seat


I’m waking up and looking at the morning news this morning, and what it headlines is the results of yesterday’s mid-term election. The Republicans have won almost every position that they have run for. Incumbency has been a minus. The people want “change.”

Can you imagine a worse nightmare than being a member of the steering committee of the national Republican Party today? It was a “sweep” by your political party in almost every elected position yesterday and your party is in the hot seat.

The results are in and both houses of the Congress of America are now controlled by your political party and the President is a member of the opposing political party. He spent most of his first term in the Commander-in-Chief’s office criticizing the Republicans and the past administration’s running of the office he now holds. His Congress has been controlled or stalemated by his political party since he was first sworn into office and most of what he’s proposed has been made law.

“The buck stops here” now, Congress and it’s in your Republican hands as to whether America moves ahead or falls behind from today on to the future. It will take a presidential veto to stop the legislation that you pass onto that office, and Mr. President, you darn well better hope that what you do not sign is something that your American electorate do not support, or what happened yesterday at the polls in America will surely happen in the next national election also.

I’ve been in countries that do not have the privilege of having elections where the people determine how they want their nation to go tomorrow. In those countries the person sitting in the boss’s chair could claim executive privilege on how you would live tomorrow. You had no say or even a right to say anything. Yesterday, democracy won.

John M. Romph
Fayetteville, Ga.