PTC residents remember 9/11 with prayer


For most Americans, the anniversary of 9/11 carries countless memories and emotions. This year on Sept. 11, a group of 68 people from across America, including Fayette County residents Mary and Jim Pace, journeyed to the Federal Hall National Memorial on Wall Street in New York City for an additional purpose – a full day of prayer for America.

Coordinated by California-based American Christian Trust, the group of 68 people traveled from across the country to an essential landmark of America’s foundation to pray in a spirit of repentance for the United States of America.

It was in the original Federal Hall on Wall Street that George Washington took the oath of office as the nation’s first president. The historic building was home to the first Congress, Supreme Court and Executive Branch offices.

It’s place in U.S. history secure, Federal Hall in so many ways served as the governmental foundation of the United States of America. And it was to that place that the group gathered on Sept. 11 to pray for America.

And that is what the group did, from 6:30 a.m. until near midnight, with Jim serving as master of ceremonies for the day of prayer that took place largely in Federal Hall, but also included a visit to Liberty Island and a prayer cruise. Yet throughout the day the focus was on prayer, Mary explained.

“Being in construction, foundations are important. So we went to Federal Hall where the country began. The Lord prompted us to go,” said Jim. “We were not there to ask for help. We went as part of a group of people to humble ourselves and pray for America.”

Assessing the need for the day of prayer and commenting on the significance of the location at Federal Hall, Mary said America once had a spirit of unity where none exists today.

“We were praying over the foundation places, in repentance and seeking forgiveness from how our country has drifted,” Mary said. “It was like going back in time, back to the foundation and praying in repentance for this country.”

A portion of Mary’s statements to the group on Sept. 11 read, “Biblical Christianity was the religious foundation of the liberty-loving people of 1776. As the former is washed away, our liberty and our character have been sure to follow.”

Putting the journey to New York City in context, Jim said, “We can grumble and complain or we can do what we’re called to do. The most important thing was to come together and pray. There have always been people willing to step out on faith, and when they do things change. We felt we were called to go (to New York City). It was not about me and Mary, it’s because we were willing. A lot of people left the city on 9/11. We went to the city on 9/11.”

The original Federal Hall, where Washington was sworn-in on April 30, 1789, was demolished in 1812 and sold as salvage material. The current structure was constructed in 1842 on the same location as the original Federal Hall, according to the National Park Service.