City to address sidewalk maintenance Sept. 18


The Peachtree City Council later this month will consider an ordinance addressing the installation and maintenance of sidewalks in subdivisions. The council at the Sept. 3 work session agreed that the current ordinance needed a fresh look since it neither requires nor prohibits sidewalks in a development.

Community Services Director Jon Rorie at the outset of the discussion said the city’s land development ordinance does not require or prohibit the installation of sidewalks in a development, though it does require a connection to the nearest multi-use path.

Rorie said the city inherits responsibility for maintenance, repair and some liability for sidewalks installed on city right of way.

The council by consensus agreed that staff will present an ordinance at the Sept. 18 meeting which will address issues such as specific design standards, city inspections, covenants relating to the maintenance of sidewalks if a developer chooses to install them and deferring sidewalk maintenance to homeowner’s associations.

The city currently owns and maintains approximately 43,000 linear feet of sidewalks in nine subdivisions. That compares to more than 90 miles of multi-use paths, Rorie noted.

Rorie said there are also six subdivisions that include private streets and sidewalks which they own and maintain.

Rorie said sidewalks are required in Wilksmoor Village since it was approved as a Development of Regional Impact (DRI). He said the Gates subdivision developer is requesting sidewalk, adding that future developments might also want to install sidewalks.

Prior to the consensus by council that staff move forward with the ordinance, City Manger Jim Pennington said the issue had not been addressed since the early 2000’s.