New Order of the Arrow Scouts endure ‘Ordeal’


One of the first things these scouts do as member of The Order of the Arrow is go on a weekend called the “Ordeal”. This picture was taken after they got back from the “Ordeal” Weekend in August at Camp Thunder Gerald Lawhorn Scout Base.

The Order of the Arrow is Scouting’s national honor society. Its membership fulfills the Order’s purpose of recognizing those who exemplify Scouting’s values, promoting responsible outdoor adventure, developing young leaders, and crystallizing the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others. Established in 1915, the OA emphasizes service to the unit.

In this way, Arrowmen give back to their troops with the leadership skills and values of service learned through the Order. The Order’s program complements the troop’s, providing valuable leadership training programs, world-class high adventure opportunities, and exciting national conferences. Members of the Order of the Arrow are chosen through an election process at a troop meeting.