Promise Place providing legal advocates for victims


Promise Place is always on a mission to help women victimized by domestic violence. One facet of that mission is the organization’s legal advocacy program helping women in the four counties served by Promise Place.

“Promise Place offers help to those experiencing domestic violence through our legal advocacy program. We understand the daunting tasks associated with leaving an abusive relationship. Our legal advocates assist victims of domestic violence in (a number of) ways,” said Promise Place Volunteer Services Director Wendi Bozeman.

Bozeman said Promise Place supports victims of domestic violence by assisting with filling out the paperwork needed to obtain a family violence protective order, providing assistance through the legal process that victims must navigate to obtain safety from their abuser or stalker, remaining with victims throughout the entire court process in obtaining a temporary protective order and accompanying them to court and creating a personalized plan of action to minimize the risk of further harm and abuse with each victim.

Citing one of the organization’s many success stories, Bozeman referenced a woman who left an abusive situation and entered the Promise Place shelter with her three young children.

“At the end of her shelter stay, the client applied for and was approved to move into our transitional housing. Once the client moved out of shelter, she became an ‘outreach’ client. The client lived in our transitional house for a period of one year,” said Bozeman.

It was during her one-year stay in the transitional house that the client received a variety of services for which Promise Place in known.

“During that year, our legal advocate provided legal advocacy, case management, emotional support, counseling, financial assistance, food, clothing, housing resources and employment resources for her and her children,” Bozeman said. “The goals the client wanted to accomplish in her time in transitional housing were getting a divorce, securing employment, securing childcare, attending college and finding housing she could afford. We are happy to report that she was able to meet all of her goals.”

The organization also offers counseling and support groups, and resources are provided for each victim, Bozeman said, adding that all Promise Place services are free and confidential.

Promise Place provides comprehensive services to victims of domestic violence and their children in Fayette, Pike, Spalding and Upson counties.

These services include an emergency shelter, a 24-hour emergency hotline, legal advocacy, weekly support groups, relocation assistance, financial assistance, crisis counseling, safety planning, a teen dating violence prevention program in all area high schools, follow-up services and community education.