Council to discuss cost of dam repair at Thurs. meeting


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As the calendar turns to August, the state of Peachtree City’s signature lake will be the focus of Thursday’s City Council meeting.

The only item of note during the meeting is a budget amendment to help pay for ongoing costs associated with the repair of the lake’s dam.

During the summer, residents have driven by the once-tranquil lake that has turned into a weed-filled mud pit. Numerous cars have been towed out of the former lake and residents have complained about the state of the area.

During Thursday’s meeting, the council will discuss adding $100,000 to the city’s general fund budget. The city’s financial staff estimates the money will cover expenses for the dam for the rest of the year.

The other item of note on Thursday’s agenda is a consideration for a variance to the city’s sign ordinance for a monument sign at Westpark Walk. The shopping center’s developer is seeking a variance to raise the base of a monument sign four feet since the base of the shopping center sits below grade of Ga. Highway 54 and Ga. Highway 74.

The city’s staff is recommending granting the variance as long as the bottom part of the sign panel is equal to the elevation of the nearest point of the crown of a public street.

The City Council meets Thursday at 7 p.m. at Peachtree City Hall.