How about districts for Hispanic, Asians?


In reference to Kim Learnard’s letter of April 2, 2014 (“Stop the insanity”):

Kim’s position on not opposing district voting by using her council position in Peachtree City as a “bully pulpit” is off base.

Fayette County, founded in 1821, sub-divided in 1858, with all voting at-large. This form of government, and voting, has created a very successful county.

The South was punished in 1965 with a voting rights act. An activist judge, Timothy Batten, was appointed in 2005, and wants to change 193 years of history by requiring district voting.

As an aside, let’s create a district for the 2.83 percent Hispanic, or another district for the 2.42 percent Asian population. Appeasement never ends.

Our Founding Fathers stood up for the creation of America. It’s time to oppose the penal voting rights act, and activist judges. To the county, continue the opposition.

Curtis Wagner