Crime blights Fayette


Thank you so much for what you do. We the citizens of Fayette County feel this paper on Wednesday is “our” paper.

But, how very, very sad to see crime all over the front page. This is your job to report and we need to know. However, the citizens of Fayette County need to stand up for decency and quit being so nice and politically correct if this is what it brings.

We have been residents since 1976 and the changes of current times are very disturbing. Even something as minor as the trash up and down the side of the roads and in parking lots shows the lack of respect for our county.

My “vision” for Fayette County would be to tighten the lines and not worry so much about greedy growth, for then is it no longer Fayette County.

I would rather have a safe and pleasant place to live and raise children to be good citizens for the future.

Nancy Watkins
Fayetteville, Ga.