Local author’s book on abstinence available free to churches, ministries


The book, “The Abstinance Handbook: for Women and Girls throughout the World” by local author Kim Wilson, is available free to churches and ministries to distribute to women and girls free of charge through youth ministries, church services, women’s ministries, community outreach (by mail or door-to-door), Bible studies, etc. The book is being made available through The Loretta Johnson Global Abstinence Project.

Designed to be quick to read and easy to follow, the book is already available in paperback and on audio book CD. Although it specifically targets women in black and Hispanic communities, the book is a valuable resource for all communities where the birth rate for unmarried mothers is high. In some communities it is a life or death problem.

“All women — black, Hispanic, caucasian and other ethnic groups — who give birth outside of marriage tend to be more disadvantaged than their married counterparts, both before and after the birth,” a spokesperson said. “Also, children born to unmarried mothers are more likely to live in poverty and have socio-emotional problems.

“In addition, black women account for approximately 70 percent of new cases of HIV in the U.S. And in certain major cities, including Atlanta, percentages are as high as some sub Saharan African countries.

“Also Hispanic women account for 21 percent of new cases of HIV in the U.S.

“The only 100 percent reliable method to avoid the problems that come with out-of-wedlock pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases is abstinence. Unfortunately, this answer to the solution is not promoted nearly enough by Christian churches and ministries. One of the major reasons is lack of communication and promotional resources.”

The Loretta Johnson Global Abstinence Project, which was founded three years ago as a part of God’s Active People/G.A.P Ministries, sponsors a workshop entitled “Experiencing God’s Best for Your Life through Abstinence.” The workshop is presented each month throughout the United States and on three continents by presenters in Africa, Asia and North America to approximately 10,000 women and girls.

Wilson’s book enhances this event by reaching, communicating and promoting the benefits of abstinence to black and Hispanic women in the United States, as well as in sub-Saharan Africa and world-wide.

To receive the book free of charge, visit www.gapglobal.net, email [email protected], or call 678-491-8583.