Rep. Westmoreland MIA on farm bill vote


“Catfish are jumping and the cotton is high” are lyrics from the song “Summertime.” I think this is the way all of the benefactors feel after pushing the farm “pork” bill through.

This is the condition of the benefactors of the latest government giveaway — pure lard in the form of the just passed farm bill with our tax dollars given to cronies, special interests, big agriculture, and campaign contributors.

To me, this is nothing but an abuse of power for politicians to enrich themselves with our tax money. One would think our congressional district could elect a statesman, whether it be Democrat, Republican, or independent, a congressman who would spend our money for the benefit of our district and fight for our rights and not the benefit of John Boehner and the Republican power base.

Congressman Westmoreland, I guess, felt the farm bill wasn’t a large enough issue for him to take the time and vote — he didn’t.

In contrast, I received an “Ain’t I Great” email from the congressman bragging how he had introduced legislation to send the lost loose change from the airport screening stations to the USO.

I think this is a good idea, but I expect a congressman, who cost the taxpayers millions of dollars in salary, staff, and expenses, to focus on a pork-filled farm bill rather than the lost change from screening stations.

Our two RINO senators followed suit with Mr. Westmoreland by voting yes for the pork bill. By doing this, they proved their loyalty to Mitch McConnell in pushing pork to deserving political activists and they are putting in the last nails of this country’s coffin.

I have to also mention our ethically challenged governor as he shamelessly promotes Common Core for our schools. He must be from the school of “dumbing the kids down” so they will be easier to handle when they become voters.

If anyone finds a candidate for any office who would be a true statesman or public servant, please get them on the ballot. We don’t need more self-serving, greedy politicians with massive egos. This country has had too many already.

It’s time for voters to turn this country around and get rid of tax and spend lifetime politicians.

Don Latham

Fayetteville, Ga.