Cokes Chapel UMC launches Cokes Kids for Christ services


Last Sunday, Cokes Chapel United Methodist Church in Sharpsburg launched a youth-focused worship service dubbed Cokes Kids for Christ, or CKC. The service was designed for children in preschool to 12th grade. The service is held from 10-10:45 a.m. in the Contemporary Worship Center.

“CKC is the re-launch of a previous program, but with key differences,” said Mark Jordan, pastor at Cokes Chapel. “CKC is an innovation approach that encourages kids to mentor each other in an age-appropriate setting.” Jordan says the vision behind CKC is as children grow physically, CKC will help them also grow spiritually. “While the service is designed for our students, entire families are encouraged to attend and in a relaxed, informal setting,” he said.

The order of worship includes Scripture reading followed by a brief Bible lesson.

The praise and worship portion of the service features contemporary worship music led by members of the church’s FOCUS Student Ministry.

“We want the children to sing along, or if they feel led, they can dance too,” said Cokes Chapel Children’s Worship Leader Fonda Brooks-Totten. “We want them to enjoy church and know the love of God through a worship experience developed especially for them.” Brooks-Totten said the congregation has rallied around the CKC and she expects many more families will participate. “To see our children praising God is truly a blessing,” she said.

Cokes Chapel has a focus on youth through its Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scout programs with approximately 200 participants in FOCUS Youth Student Ministries, Lighthouse Kids activities, The Cokes Chapel Childcare Center, a full service state licensed childcare and early learning center with Georgia Pre-K, and outreach ministries that serve children across the world.

For more info about the worship service, Boy Scout Troop, FOCUS Youth or Cokes Chapel’s Childcare Center, contact the church office, 770-253-6052, or visit and