PTC rec gains pool savings with new deal


A new contract with USA Pools will save Peachtree City $16,000 this year, according to Peachtree City Recreation Administrator Cajen Rhodes.

The majority of the savings comes in part from USA Pools picking up the cost of pool chemicals, Rhodes told the City Council last week. Some of the savings, about $3,200, is due to using a reduced schedule at the Glenloch pool as well, he added.

USA Pools operates the city’s two pool locations and also offers swimming lessons for city and county residents. Those operations include not just pool maintenance but also lifeguard staffing.

The savings caught council by surprise because they hadn’t ordered any cuts, but there was plenty of thanks to go around for the work Rhodes and his team accomplished in the cost reductions.

Council voted 4-0 to extend the contract with USA Pools for three additional one-year options that would expire on Dec. 31, 2017. The contract allows the city or USA Pools to opt out at any time with a 30-day notice, Rhodes said.

The hours at Glenloch will be shortened to between 1 and 6 p.m. on weekdays, whereas previously the pool closed at 7. Saturday hours will be from 1-6 p.m. as well, which translates to a two-hour later opening and closing one hour early compared to last year.

Although the savings will be $16,000 this year, eliminating the chemical purchase costs from the city budget will save nearly $23,000 next year, Rhodes reported.

The annual contract price is $245,780.