Medical office/retail development proposed for Poplar Road near I-85


A 113,300 square-foot medical office and retail development is being proposed on 15.13 acres on the northwest corner of Poplar Road and Newnan Crossing Bypass East near Interstate 85. A rezoning public hearing on the proposal will be heard by the Coweta County Commission at the April 16 meeting.

The 15-acre site for the proposed office and retail development is currently zoned RC (Rural Conservation). The proposal calls for 11.4 acres of Office-Institutional (O-I) zoning and 3.8 acres of Commercial Retail (C-3) divided into six tracts. The site would total approximately 113,300 square feet of office and retail.

County Planning and Development Director Robert Tolleson said the Tract 2 portion of the proposal, the largest on the site, calls for the construction of a 3-story medical office complex totaling 60,000 square feet along with seven single-story buildings ranging from 3,000-4,500 square feet. Tract 5 includes a 1-story office building of 4,100 square feet while Tract 6 would house a single-story office building of 4,100 square feet.

On the commercial side, Tract 1 on the northeast corner of the development would include a single-story retail building of 7,400 square feet, Tract 3 on the northeast side of the property would be the location of a 1-story restaurant totaling 3,000 square feet and Tract 4 on the southeast side of the development would be the site of a single-story drug store totaling 10,400 square feet.

The planning department estimates that traffic counts during weekdays would total 4,990 while weekends would total 1,620 vehicles on Saturdays and 691 on Sundays.

The county’s planning and zoning department recommended project approval with several conditions, noting that the proposed development is consistent with the intent of the Coweta County Comprehensive Plan and the with Commercial Character Area and Interstate Gateway Character Area standards.

The development is situated approximately 1,500 feet west of I-85. If approved, it will be positioned on the opposite side of I-85 from Piedmont Newnan Hospital and a growing number of large medical office buildings.

With the planned Poplar Road interchange project at I-85 progressing, it will only be a matter of time before the Poplar Road area could become the medical mecca of southwest metro Atlanta.