Interfaith service planned for Nov. 7 in Fayetteville


Members of the Christian, Islamic and Jewish faiths will join together Wednesday evening, Nov. 7, to present a Thanksgiving service sponsored by the Fayette Interfaith Network.

Its theme is “Unity and Community: Coming together as people of faith.”

The program will begin at 7 p.m. at Congregation B’nai Israel, a Reform Jewish synagogue located at 1633 Ga. Hwy. 54, east of downtown Fayetteville.

Other congregations taking part are the Islamic Community Center, Fayetteville First United Methodist Church and Episcopal Church of the Nativity, all in Fayetteville, and Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church in Peachtree City.

Representatives of each of the three major faith traditions will present readings and reflections from their sacred scriptures.

A special part of the service will be participation by children who not only will read from the scriptures, but also display banners, posters or individual pictures they have created for the occasion.

After the service, refreshments will be served in the synagogue social hall, where those who attend will have a chance for networking to make new acquaintances and strengthen ties among different faiths in the community.The service is open to the public.