Jobs first, deficits later


Would you tell a sick child to wait to go to the hospital until the vacation credit cards were paid off?

America’s workers are in trouble and they (and our economic future) need to be dealt with before the deficit.

Once working and getting a paycheck, they will pay taxes and no longer need government supports.

With businesses cutting jobs with dropping consumer demand, the last thing our unemployment level needs is more people put out of work by government cutbacks.

Cutbacks hurt more than government workers, they hurt the suppliers and fuel our down word spiral. The best way to deal with the debt is to get healthy.

As consumers we want the best quality for the lowest price. With the intersection of the Internet and Fed EX, outsourcing jobs to lower paid overseas workers became easier.

If Americans don’t want to live on the pay scale of workers in Indonesia, China and India, we must identify what products people will chose quality over price to justify a higher pay scale. Then we must create quality items people actually want and need.

Silicon Valley designers are a small number compared to the number of overseas workers used to manufacture the items they invent.

Government research creates the ground work our industries then use to create profitable pharmaceutical, medical, energy, and other needed items (example, Ziplock bags, computers and the Internet.)

America, we can squabble over what to do first and end up achieving nothing or we can face reality, work together and get going creating tomorrow.

Kathleen S. Cheney

Peachtree City, Ga.