Prince of Peace youth stage Hunger Awareness Lockout


The Prince of Peace Lutheran Church youth group in Fayetteville is working to raise awareness and doing projects to help needy and hungry people across the local community and around the world.

All youth 6th grade to 12th grade will participate in a lock-out, where each youth will prepare his/her own sleeping quarters (a cardboard box) and spend the night outside on Saturday, March 24. The group will begin with a soup supper and activities before heading outdoors to snooze in their own cardboard homes.

“We would like to invite the community to be part of our Hunger Awareness Campaign by joining us in reaching out to those less fortunate in prayer and in action. There are lots of volunteer opportunities in and around our community such as Fayette Samaritans, The Redeemer Soup Kitchen, The Genesis Shelter, and more,” said Paula Littleton, youth director. “Whether you choose to say a prayer, donate some canned goods or work a few hours in the soup kitchen, we can make a difference.”

For more information, call the church office, 770-461-3403, and ask for Paula Littleton.

Prince of Peace is on Ga. Highway 314 between Lowe’s and the Fayette Pavilion. Visit the church website,, for more information.