Frady, 2 sidekicks out to bamboozle


More gloom fell over Fayette County on Jan. 5. On that day, three of our county commissioners (Frady, Horgan and Hearn) proved they could care less about the responsibilities a local government has to its constituents.

On that day, Herb Frady finally reached his 18-year-long dream when he was elected chairman on a 3 to 2 vote with new commissioners, Steve Brown and Allen McCarty voting in opposition.

Let it be duly noted that Frady had been nominated for the chairman spot on multiple occasions over the years and could never get elected. That’s how confident people are about Frady’s leadership abilities.

Right out of the chute, Chairman Frady moved to defeat a proposal for term limits. Keep in mind that Frady has been in office for 18 years.

Chairman Frady’s and his two sidekicks’ (Horgan and Hearn) most despicable accomplishment of the evening was to effectively kill a proposal from commissioners Brown and McCarty asking for a policy that would have mandated that anything up for a vote by the commissioners must appear on a published agenda at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

If this proposal would have passed, it would have meant no more sneak attacks from the Board of Commissioners on the unsuspecting public like we have had many times during the past four years.

It appears Chairman Frady has taken lessons from Nancy Pelosi. I guess the people of Fayette County will just have to wait for Frady to sneak a subject in for a vote on the day of the meeting or introduce the subject after the meeting has begun. Then we will have to wait till the next day to see what was really in the motion.

Is the reason Chairman Frady and his enabling two sidekicks wouldn’t support the 24 hours notice policy is [because] they plan on continuing the effort of the last four years of trying to bamboozle the citizens of Fayette County?

My fellow Fayette citizens, it looks as if we will have two more years of the same old [stuff] we have had for the past four years. Please, please keep your eyes and ears open and let’s hold these guys’ feet to the fire until their term is up in 2012.

Harold Bost

Fayetteville, Ga.

[Bost is a former Fayette County commissioner.]