Mayor Ken Steele explains proposed new F’ville roundabout


Fayetteville Mayor Ken Steele hosts an informational meeting every other month at Fayette Senior Services. The meeting is open to everyone, member or not.

One of the items of interest he spoke about at the last meeting was the roundabout planned for the intersection of Grady Avenue and Beauregard Boulevard. The property owners at the four corners involved are all in agreement and the first of the work will begin sometime in January.

The roads themselves will not actually be closed off until after school is out for the summer of 2011. Appropriate signage will go up several weeks in advance announcing the closing which should last about three weeks. The work will be done before school reopens in the fall.

Steele explained that it was much cheaper than installing a red light due to fiber optics now being an important part of a red light system. Currently the intersection is graded “F “for super congested. It is the most congested intersection in Fayetteville on a non-state highway. The addition of the roundabout will upgrade it to a “C.”

He also added that if the city installed a red light it would still only upgrade it to a “C.” SPLOST funds will completely pay for the roundabout construction.