Greetings from the Left Coast: Be thankful for governors like Perdue


The day after the election California lays off 1,200 phony green jobs and moves them to China.

A solar company steals half a billion dollars of taxpayer money and bolts. Prop. 23 battle marks new era in environmental politics

One wealthy entrepreneur donated $5 million to defeat Prop 23 in order to KEEP the restrictive environmental laws to make manufacturing solar panels in California no longer financially possible. Surprise, he owns a solar company in China. Gov Arnold, Brown and the locked in Dems are to blame.

Director James Cameron and other Hollywood elites donated $25 million, duped into thinking it was going to create more jobs and help California’s economy. Instead of agreeing to suspend the restrictive law which would’ve created millions of jobs, these dopes helped defeat it, losing thousands of jobs.

Even appearing as a conservative, T. Boone Pickens was a con. Remember all his energy infomercials? He had plans for making billions from the taxpayers on those useless, costly wind generators. Did he mention he was going to have them manufactured in China? He now has a junk heap of them piled up rusting somewhere in Texas.

Proposition 23 advocate Charles Drevna, president of the National Petrochemical & Refiners Assn., said California’s climate law mandates “will result in the relocation of jobs and businesses from California to other states and other countries, along with the relocation of carbon emissions produced by those businesses …. Moving carbon from one location to another will not bring about any reduction in greenhouse gases.”

Be thankful for governors like Sonny Perdue. Georgia is building the impossible, two nuclear power plants! That’s unheard of. As a dual state resident, [I think] Georgia is becoming more progressive and futuristic in thinking. Water is a coming major crisis and the governor has already started the ball rolling with fighting to keep our own water reserve and plans for a desalinization plant near Savannah.

Those are also all local jobs. Don’t expect the environmentalists or the media to call these “green” jobs. Where the parts come from should also be made in USA, but that’s probably asking too much.

I belong to a sound environmental watch group, the WFBC, am a lifetime photographer and enjoy nature’s scenic beauty. But a balance of fiscal responsibility, reason and accurate scientific knowledge have to prevail to maintain a balance. The west coast environmental wackos through their emotional zeal and junk science have created hundreds of polluting coal mining plants by shutting down nuclear power in the U.S. Due to their ignorance of nature’s need to clear undergrowth in forests, their restricted agenda has resulted in some of the largest forest fires in history. It goes on and on.

As I sit here, it’s a record breaking 97 degrees in LA where I was born, but I refuse to scream global warming! Looking forward to returning to Fayette County shortly. Even though I won’t see such colorful flowers until spring, California is already dying on the vine.

Michael Meyer

Fayetteville, Ga.