Volunteers needed at Gracie’s Closet


Gracie’s Closet, the clothing and supply resource center of Fayette Youth Protection Homes, Inc. (FYPH), needs volunteers to organize and distribute clothing and other items to children living in foster homes on the south side of metro Atlanta.  Volunteer duties include sorting clothing donations and assisting foster children when they “shop” for items in the store.  If you are interested in making a difference in the life of a child and can commit to volunteering on a weekly or monthly basis, please contact Becky Davenport at 770-461-7020. 

Gracie’s Closet is located at 101 Devant St, Suite 502, Fayetteville, Monday – Friday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Additional information about Gracie’s closet is available at the organization’s website at www.fyph.org or by visiting Fayette Youth Protection Homes on Facebook.