The long arm of city law is moving beyond city streets and cart paths to the shores of lakes Kedron and Peachtree. Peachtree City police are now empowered to enforce a state law requiring all fisherman to have a state fishing license.
Police Chief H.C. “Skip” Clark requested the move from the City Council, saying it will allow officers to issue citations to those who flout the state law in this regard.
Clark noted Thursday night that officers often come across out of town residents in violation of the city’s regulations which only allow city residents and their guests to fish in the city lake and ponds. Usually the offenders are given a warning because they may not be aware of the city regulation.
But all fisherman are aware they must possess a valid state fishing license to be able to fish anywhere, Clark noted.
Typically the state fishing laws are enforced by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and Fayette County Marshals are also empowered to issue citations for fishing license violations. [Correction: Lake Kedron is owned by the county. Lake Peachtree is owned by Peachtree City but by contract serves as the reservoir and intake point for the county water system. An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that both were county-owned lakes.]
In other public safety business, council voted unanimously to spend $14,846 to replace a 2003 Expedition for the fire department that was heavily damaged after it was struck by another motor vehicle.
The city has received an insurance settlement of $19,530 for the vehicle and its equipment, and if the deductible can be collected from the at-fault driver of the other vehicle, the city will get its $5,000 deductible back, officials said.