No new cart parking added for McIntosh


Student golf cart parking on campus at McIntosh High School isn’t going to get much easier this school year.

The school has repaved and restriped its golf cart parking lot which has 388 spaces. But those arriving late will have to park on adjoining grassy areas that are available, according to Fayette County Schools spokesperson Melinda Berry-Dreisbach.

The school did not add to its golf cart parking area over the summer, despite a request from city officials.

Earlier this year the Peachtree City Council adopted its first ever no-parking zone for a cart path in response to students parking their carts on private property off a path near the school. The no-parking path runs parallel to Peachtree Parkway between Stevens Entry and the school.

That path became a prime location for students to hastily park carts, but the practice ultimately caused a commotion when haphazardly parked carts partially blocked the path for other users. There were also documented photos of trash that would be left behind when the carts left at the end of the day.

The city has already erected no-parking signs along the path, and there were plans to educate students about the issue as well in a joint effort with the school.

The city is encouraging students to park on campus for students’ safety and security.

Parking will still be allowed on the north side of Prime Point except areas indicated by golf curb markers, city officials said.

Parking will not be permitted on Lexington Circle or Prime Point, officials said.