Campeau-Griffin Engagement


Mrs. James Joseph Campeau of Chattanooga, Tenn. announces the engagement of her daughter, Anne Peyton Campeau, to Robert Lincoln Griffin, son of Diane and Steve Brown of Fayetteville and Robert J. Griffin of Culver, Ore.

The bride-to-be is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ingles of Chattanooga and Marilyn Campeau of Fort Worth, Texas and the late James Campeau. She is a 2005 graduate of Girls Preparatory School of Chattanooga and a 2009 magna cum laude graduate of Georgia Tech where she was affiliated with Alpha Chi Omega. She is a polymer and fiber engineer with ExxonMobil in Rochester, N.Y.

The groom-elect is the grandson of Mary Braun and the late Karl Braun of Lompoc, Calif. and the late Florence and Robert Lee Griffin of Culver, Ore. He is a 2004 graduate of Fayette County High School and a 2009 summa cum laude graduate of Georgia Institute of Technology where he earned a master’s degree in chemical and biomolecular engineering and was a member of Delta Chi. He is employed with ExxonMobil in Beaumont, Texas.

An October wedding is planned in Chattanooga. After a Caribbean honeymoon the couple will reside in the Houston, Texas area.