Local playwright Guyton pens ‘Death of a Snowman’


Fayetteville resident Daniel Guyton has written a new play entitle d “Death of a Snowman,” which was published by theatrical giants Heuer Publishing in June 2010. “Death of a Snowman” is the story of a young girl and her snowman discussing life and the afterlife together, in an existential comic fantasy.

In its premiere performance this past winter at the Phoenix Theatre in Indianapolis, Ind., one reviewer described it as “a poignant moment between a girl who has lost her mother and her snowman, who explains the circle of life in the coolest way possible.” (Elizabeth Musgrave, Gotta Go! Newsletter, 2009). Another reviewer described it as “a little girl charmingly but profoundly discussing death and the after-life with a compassionate snow man.” (Hope Bough, Indy Theatre Habit, 2009). And yet another reviewer said, “Best of the bunch is Daniel Guyton’s Death of a Snowman, in which actor Michael Shelton gives the best performance I’ve seen from him (and I’ve seen some fine ones) as a snowman discussing life and death with a young girl (Amanda Lynn Meyer).” (Lou Harry, Indianapolis Business Journal, 2009)

Snowman is the 10th publication for Guyton, although the first with Heuer Publishing. Other published works include “Attic” and “Spat!” by Original Works Publishing, “Where’s Julie?” by Dramatic Publishing Company, “Georgie Gets a Facelift” by Desert Road Publishing, and “The Mother of God Visits Hell” by the Alive Theatre, among others.

In similar news, Guyton’s play “Georgie Gets a Facelift” will be produced simultaneously in two different cities this summer – one at the Festival of Independent Theatres (FIT) in Dallas, Texas, and the other at the Third Eye Theatre in Portland, Ore. The Portland show runs from June 25 through July 24, and the Dallas show runs from July 16 through Aug. 7. Georgie has already appeared once this year – at the Shelterbelt Theatre in Omaha, Neb., and previously appeared twice in Georgia (once in Athens and once in Savannah), and three times in New York (twice in Manhattan and once in Albany).

In addition to all of the excitement surrounding his plays, Guyton is also getting married this year.