Heritage Christian Church will host Winshape C3 day camp


Heritage Christian Church will host Winshape C3 Camp July 12-16 from 7:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. daily. The day camp is open to all students who have completed first through sixth grade. Cost is $179 for a full week of camp. A deposit of $50 is due upon registration.

“C3 combines sports and recreation, arts, Bible study and worship for a truly unforgettable week of life change,” said Tammy Pattison, children’s director at Heritage Christian.

The day camp was first held in 2008. Heritage hosted 382 campers last year, which was the largest WinShape C3 camp ever.

A scholarship program will be available for those who need financial assistance.

To be considered for a full or partial scholarship, call Heritage Christian Church, 770-716-5768, and ask for Tammy Pattison.

Register online at www.winshapecamps.org and click on C3 Day Camps.