Georgia author Sprinkle to talk at Fayette County Library May 15


The Fayette County Public Library welcomes Atlanta-area author Patricia Sprinkle back to the library in Fayetteville on Saturday, May 15 at 1:00 p.m. Sprinkle will read from and talk about her new novel, “Hold Up the Sky.” Copies of the book will be available for sale at the event, with proceeds benefiting the Friends of the Fayette County Public Library. The program is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served, compliments of the Friends of the Fayette County Public Library.

Best known for her two beloved series of Southern-flavored murder mysteries starring Sheila Travis and McLaren Yarbrough, Patricia Sprinkle branches out in a new direction with her latest book. “Hold Up the Sky” Set on a drought-stricken West Georgia dairy farm in the present day, the story brings together four women accustomed to taking care of themselves and those around them. Suddenly, each is overwhelmed by tough times. As the story begins, they are not friends, although two are sisters. But as they share their stories and their troubles, they discover that their true strength comes not in independence but in interdependence. “Hold Up the Sky” was designated one of the Spring 2010 “Okra Picks” by Southern Independent Booksellers: one of the season’s not-to-be-missed new releases with a Southern flair. The Atlanta Journal Constitution called the novel “a tapestry that is colorful, detailed, and inspiring,” while Atlanta magazine found it “particularly satisfying.”

Southern born and bred, in North Carolina and Florida, Patricia Sprinkle studied creative writing at Vassar College before settling in Atlanta and embarking on her career. Since 1988, she has published 20 mysteries, five non-fiction books, and two other non-mystery novels prior to “Hold Up the Sky.” Sprinkle is currently working on another mainstream novel, which she says is a modern-day fairytale reinterpretation for adults, featuring a king with three daughters.