F’ville cops run down phony kidnapping, phony check scam


Three people are in police custody after a 911 call sent officers to the Fayetteville Burger King to investigate a reported kidnapping Tuesday afternoon, police said.

Police have determined that no kidnapping had taken place, but the three were involved in a phony check cashing scheme, said police Capt. Steve Crawshaw.

The incident began with a 911 call around 3 p.m. from a person claiming to have been kidnapped against their will, Crawshaw said. Officers responded to the scene and approached two people who were emerging from a car that matched the caller’s description, he said.

At that point, one of the subjects ran across Ga. Highway 85 and hid in a locked bathroom at the Waffle House, Crawshaw said.

All three subjects involved in the incident, including the person who reported the alleged kidnapping and the other who was locked temporarily in the Waffle House bathroom, were arrested by police, Crawshaw said.

The three were involved in a phony check cashing scheme that has become more frequent in Fayetteville, Crawshaw said. The scheme involves the use of a homeless person to cash a fradulent check, he added.

It is believed that the 911 caller got cold feet immediately before the fake check was to be cashed, Crawshaw said.