Religion Briefs 03/10/10


Martin to speak at Lenten lunch
Lenten lunches will continue at Fayetteville First United Methodist Church each Thursday throughout Lent ( March 11, 18 and 25) and will end with a lunch on April 1. All lunches will begin at 11:30 a.m. The March 11 lunch will be hosted by the Hope circle. Dr. Bob Martin will be the speaker. FFUMC is at 175 E. Lanier Ave. (Ga. Highway 54) in downtown Fayetteville. For more information, call the church office, 770-461-4313.

Flat Creek enrolling for preschool
Flat Creek Baptist Preschool and Kindergarten has begun enrolling this week for the 2010-2011 school year. The preschool is on Flat Creek Trail just off Ga. Highway 54 between Fayetteville and Peachtree City. Classes are offered for older two year olds through age five (kindergarten). For more information, to tour the facilities, or to enroll a child, call 770-487-7368 or contact the director by email,

New Hope opens registration
New Hope Baptist Church Weekday Preschool and Kindergarten has started registration for the 2010-2011 school year at both North and South Campuses. The school offers classes for ages six weeks through kindergarten. More information is available on the church website, (under preschool then weekday education), or call Amy Howell, North Campus director, 770-460-4832 or Carmen Weaver, South Campus director, 770-461-4337 ext. 452.

Sons of Jubal to appear at Flat Creek
The Sons of Jubal, Jubal Brass and Jubal Handbells will appear in a free concert Thursday, March 11, at 7 p.m., at Flat Creek Baptist Church, Fayetteville. Sons of Jubal, the oldest group of its kind in the Southern Baptist Convention, is a male chorus for ministers of music under the direction of Jon Duncan, specialist, Music & Worship Ministries, Georgia Baptist Convention. The program will consist of hymns, spirituals and anthems. Flat Creek is on Flat Creek Trail between Ga. Highway 54 and Tyrone Road.

Redemption plans Women’s Summit
The Women’s Ministry of Redemption Fellowship Church will host its first annual Women’s Summit on Saturday, March 13 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Redemption Fellowship Church in Fayetteville. The theme is Building Healthy Christian Relationships. Guest speakers will be Mrs. Pamela Stringfield from Perimeter PCA in Atlanta and Mrs. Donna Causey from South Atlanta Community PCA in Fayetteville. Registration fee is $10 and will include lunch. To register, stop by the church or visit the church website at to download and print the form. Registration will continue through March 7. For information, call 770-460-1220.

Bethany to feature “Celebration of Missions”
Bethany United Methodist Church will feature “A Celebration of Missions” with several guest speakers scheduled to speak on Sunday, March 14. The service begins at 11 a.m. Bethany is at 607 Rivers Rd. (corner of Rivers/Milam and Lee’s Lake Roads) in north Fayette County. For more information, call 770-964-6999.

CDM seminar focuses on single women
Christ Discipleship Ministries (CDM), 114 W. Campbellton Street, Fairburn,, will host a seminar titled “All The Single Ladies” on Friday, March 19 at 8:30pm. The speaker will be Pastor Timothy Frazier who will discuss “the truth about what and how men think about women.” For more information and/or directions, contact the CDM office, 770-969-8370. No nursery or childcare will be provided.

Inman plans easter Egg Hunt
Inman United Methodist Church will have an Easter Egg Hunt for all children in the community at the church’s Youth House Saturday, March 27, from 2-4 p.m. For more information, call 770-461-2123.