Recycling campaign helping PTC


Peachtree City’s recycling program is hauling in some benefits in terms of keeping material out of landfills.

In a presentation to the city council last week, Keep Peachtree City Beautiful Director Al Yougel shared how much has been collected in the fiscal year so far:
• 21,000 pounds of cardboard;
• 53,000 pounds of glass;
• 4,820 pounds of plastic;
• 5,837 pounds of aluminum cans; and
• 25,000 pounds of newsprint.

Yougel also noted that a community service program for persons convicted in city court has yielded more than 660 “volunteer” service hours so far for Keep Peachtree City Beautiful.

Keep Peachtree City Beautiful is a volunteer organization that provides litter pickup on city paths and also helps staff the city’s recyling center.