Club to operate mountain bike course


A new cycling club in Peachtree City will be creating a mountain biking course on undeveloped land adjacent to the city’s Baseball Soccer Complex on Ga. Highway 74 south.
The South Side Cycling Club will improve the area and maintain a mountain biking path that currently exists on the site, according to city staff.

The city’s recreation department staff will assist with signage and some site clearing on the 22-acre site. Signage for the site is expected to be the city’s sole expense on the project.
The cycling club has entered a formal agreement with the city similar to those used for youth sports associations. Unlike the sports associations, however, the one-year agreement does not, however, require a minimum $5 charge for in-county residents and $10 for out-of-county residents.
Those funds are placed into separate financial accounts called “fenced accounts” to fund improvements at each association’s facility. During the club’s first year, recreation staff will determine if a fenced account will be necessary.
The club has agreed not to host any large formal events without working closely with the recreation commission and recreation staff, officials said.
The club was formed to promote safety and road awareness for bicyclists and to encourage various types of cycling. The club will host activities including planned path rides, road rides, children’s safety classes, bike maintenance classes and skill sessions among other events.