America is starving for moral leadership as Greatest Depression looms


Having studied both sides of the political spectrum since our President’s inauguration, I must admit that each possesses insight as well as outright stupidity.

But for this purpose of this muse, let’s project ourselves out some two and one-half years to the summer of 2012 while presupposing that our federal government maintains its elitist character.

Economic conditions have worsened, banks are continuing to fail, inflation has run 2-to-3 percent for the past two years, interest rates are in the high teens for the best of credit, and the government-controlled healthcare system has proven that the average American had best not become sick in his/her own country.

Having swung the political pendulum back enough in both the House Of Representatives and Senate, our Congress has assured us of nothing more than gridlock, a sitting President has opted to postpone a run for a second term as it will damage his reputation worldwide, having presided over the largest decline in national stature since Nero, a military so bogged down in political correctness it has virtually disarmed itself, local and state governments reduced to skeletal levels with commensurate service, local police forces sorely short of resources required to stem the tide of violence brought on by the discontinued issuance of funds to those dependent upon government for their existence, and public institutions ravaged by the onslaught of angry Americans.

What’s worse is that Joe Biden decided that after 40 years of elected service, and no meaningful legislation in his name, to retire and was replaced by Nancy Pelosi who won the Presidential nomination due largely to the ambivalence of the left due in no small part to the absence of their idol, Barack the Wonderful.

Not since 52 Americans were held hostage by a rogue nation has the American eagle lowered itself to accept carrion in lieu of prey. People now actually have to choose between a cell phone and food, another tattoo or a winter coat, and cigarettes or baby formula.

What are we to do? The remaining veterans of the Great Depression have seen their country come full circle since their childhood; the major difference now is that the vast majority of Americans reside in urban areas, unlike before.

There are simply too few knowledgeable enough to plant gardens, milk a cow, raise poultry or pork. If there were, there’s no one who could safely provide the means for distribution, let alone keep it from being stolen.

Those that do continue to dot the American countryside in well-defended communes where few venture out and fewer venture in.

Far fetched, you say, but possible. Does anyone actually believe that this is not the direction in which we head?

Like my parents before me, I have toiled and struggled in order for my kids to live better than I; after all, this is/was America.

It’s time to turn this country around and return to the God-fearing, family-loving masses of yesterday when a man’s word was a bond, a handshake was all that’s needed for a transaction, a good morning greeting was heartfelt, and violations of good order were harshly punished

Our starvation for leadership is clear; must we maintain the status-quo politicians or is there someone who can unite this country and maintain the moral high ground both by word and deed?

Someone possessing the fortitude to speak forcibly, plainly, and honestly to their constituency without concern for reelection, men and women who place loyalty to nation above that of their party and who choose principle over policy. Surely out of some 300 million, we can find just 535 like-minded souls.

Take pride in being an American, and stop the plunge in national stature. Take a long hard look at those we choose to send to Congress, for I believe we would be better off not represented than misrepresented. Our posterity deserves much better.

Michael L. King

Peachtree City, Ga.